Greenville Harbor
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Location City, County, and State of the levee system. Determined by the levee alignment location not the leveed area.
Greenville, Washington County, Mississippi
System ID Unique identifier code for the levee system using 10 or 12 numbers in length.
Operation and Maintenance Organization Entity responsible for day-to-day management of the levee.
Board Of Mississippi Levee CommissionersUSACE - Vicksburg District
Floodplain Management Entities responsible for regulating activities that occur in areas prone to flooding.
FEMA Region 4FEMA Region 6
Oversight Organization Entity responsible for oversight of the levee and ensuring it is maintained.
USACE - Vicksburg District
Last Assesment Date Last Risk Assessment or Formal Inspection.
Levee Length Combine length of all the levee system features including the embankments, floodwalls, closures where they exist for this system.
Levee Length Graphic 7.86 Miles
Average Levee Height The average height of the levee system. The levee profile viewer on the mapping window will show the actual levee height values for the length of the levee if available.
Levee Height Graphic 16 Feet
Year Levee Constructed Year levee system was fully completed as a flood reduction project.
Timeline Graphic No Data
Summary General text description of the levee system with a summary of why the levee is there, and the benefits it provides.
No Data
Performance & Condition General text description of the historical and anticipated performance of the levee, the people and property benefitting from the levee and who may be at risk of flooding, and actions to address areas of concern.
The for breach prior to overtopping and low for overtopping. Segment has been loaded greater than 50% (12 times) and greater than 75% (1 time). Levee toe loading frequency is defined as a 1 year event. Flooding duration is anticipated to be long. This segment is anticipated to perform well under fully loaded conditions, but there are performance concerns with erosion. Population at risk is aware of their risk with good evacuation planning and good flood warning effectiveness. Traffic congestion is not expected during the day with no congestion expected during the night. Overtopping frequency is defined as a 2000 year event. Segment is not likely to breach during overtopping because floodwaters will flank levee.
Flooding Hazard
Historic Loading by Percentage of Height
Info Bubble Representative loading associated with historical flood information as a percentage of the levee height or overtopping.
Loading by Percentage of Heigth Graphic Background 0 Occurrences 1 Occurrences 12 Occurrences 60 Occurrences