West of Morrilton
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Location City, County, and State of the levee system. Determined by the levee alignment location not the leveed area.
Atkins, Pope County, Arkansas
System ID Unique identifier code for the levee system using 10 or 12 numbers in length.
Operation and Maintenance Organization Entity responsible for day-to-day management of the levee.
Pope County GovernmentConway County Levee District No. 3 and 7Conway County Levee District No. 3 and 7
Floodplain Management Entities responsible for regulating activities that occur in areas prone to flooding.
FEMA Region 6
Oversight Organization Entity responsible for oversight of the levee and ensuring it is maintained.
USACE - Little Rock District
Last Assesment Date Last Risk Assessment or Formal Inspection.
Levee Length Combine length of all the levee system features including the embankments, floodwalls, closures where they exist for this system.
Levee Length Graphic 14.053 Miles
Average Levee Height The average height of the levee system. The levee profile viewer on the mapping window will show the actual levee height values for the length of the levee if available.
Levee Height Graphic 12 Feet
Year Levee Constructed Year levee system was fully completed as a flood reduction project.
Timeline Graphic 1951
Summary General text description of the levee system with a summary of why the levee is there, and the benefits it provides.
The West of Morrilton Levee is a federally authorized non-federally operated and maintained rural flood protection project. The West of Morrilton Levee Local Protection Project (LPP) was authorized by the Flood Control Act of December 22, 1944. The system is a 13.4 mile earthen levee, which includes 15 drainage structures. Construction of the original West of Morrilton Levee was completed in August 1951. The West of Morrilton Levee includes three segments, namely the Pope County Levee Drainage District No. 2 (Stations 0+00 – 410+25) and the Conway County Levee District Nos. 3 and 7 (Stations 410+25 – 710+55). The West of Morrilton Levee is located generally on the left bank of the Arkansas River in Pope and Conway Counties, Arkansas. The levee begins on high ground approximately three miles south of Atkins, Arkansas and immediately north of Galla Lake, continues south approximately 2.5 miles towards the left bank of the Arkansas River, then southeast along the left bank of the Arkansas River to a point immediately upstream from the mouth of Point Remove Creek. The West of Morrilton Levee System primarily serves as flood damage reduction for approximately 20,000 acres of a mostly agricultural area. Failure of the earthen levee would result in the flooding of agricultural fields and farm structures, as well as a few residences located on the protected side of the levee along its eastern limits. A levee failure would result in property damage and potential loss of life. The Pope County Levee and Drainage District #2 begins at Station 0+00 and 410+25 (border of Conway County and Pope County). There are a total of four drainage structures in this segment: a double 42” CMP (Station 90+00); a triple 42” CMP (Station 323+50) and two double 36” CMP (Stations 169+50 and 398+95).
Performance & Condition General text description of the historical and anticipated performance of the levee, the people and property benefitting from the levee and who may be at risk of flooding, and actions to address areas of concern.
PLEASE NOTE: The following Risk Characterization is a description of risk associated with this levee system. It is currently undergoing review and may be updated in the future. The LSOG considers the risk associated with the Pope County Levee and Drainage District No.2 Segment (LST ID 3408) to be low (LSAC 4) for Prior to Overtopping due to the potential for poor performance but very low associated consequences and also to be low (LSAC 4) for Overtopping due to relatively infrequent likelihood of overtopping and very low associated consequences. The levee is not expected to perform well under significant loading. It has a history of poor performance with loads well below the top of levee and the potential for closure systems to either not be set or malfunction is high. The conditions of the culverts are questionable as well. All these concerns are offset by the fact that the potential for loss of life is negligible and the potential economic damages are very low.
Flooding Hazard
Historic Loading by Percentage of Height
Info Bubble Representative loading associated with historical flood information as a percentage of the levee height or overtopping.
Loading by Percentage of Heigth Graphic Background 3 Occurrences 4 Occurrences 10 Occurrences 44 Occurrences